The Skeptics Guide to the Bible
Our companion web site, The Skeptics Guide to the Bible, offers in-depth articles and verse-by-verse studies for those interested in Bible study. We ask hard questions and provide in-depth research and commentary. Check it out here!
Spiritual Warfare Bible Study
Starting in January of 2025, we will offer a monthly, in person Bible studies on Spiritual Warfare. We live in strange times and forces beyond our understanding seem to be at work. What does the Bible say about spiritual warfare and how does it apply to the world around us today? Let’s get the conversation started.
All session are held at
940 Holt Rd
Sanford, NC 27330
We’re the second to last road on the right. The gate will open at 6:30 PM.
Please let us know if you have any questions. You can email us at
This session is no cost and registration is not required.
Session 3: In the Image of God
Monday, March 10, 2025
7:00-8:00 PM
In Genesis 1, God made man in His image, after His Likeness. For the modern reader, these terms can be confusing. What does it mean to be made in the image of God? Scholars have struggled with this question for centuries. Does it mean like God, we are capable of creativity? Or like God, we were created in holiness and purity? Yes. It probably does mean all of those things, but to the ancient ready, it also meant more. Join us on March 11 to learn more about God’s plans for mankind and our role in spiritual warfare.
Session 2: Hebrew Cosmology
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
A close reading of the Bible reveals the ancient Hebrews viewed the universe a little differently than we do in modern times. Hidden in the text are references to realms of chaos; one of God’s first creative acts is to make sea monsters! From the very beginning of Bible, God, representing creation, life and order, places himself in opposition to forces representing destruction, death and chaos. How are these themes developed throughout the rest of the Bible? How does this view of Hebrew cosmology affect Biblical Creationism? Join us on Tuesday, February 4, 2025!
Session 1: Who Are the Elohim?
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Elohim is one of the names used for God in the Old Testament. In fact, it is the first name for God used in Genesis 1:1, the first verse of the first book of the Bible. Interestingly, elohim is plural, and it could be translated gods. Is this a reference to the Christian Trinity? If so, why are there other spiritual beings in the Old Testament who are also called elohim? In this lesson we discuss several theories surrounding the name Elohim and introduce the idea of the Divine Council view of the Bible. How does this view help us explain spiritual warfare in the modern world? Join us on Tuesday, January 14, 2025!