
Bible Study
Andy Woods Ministries
Dr. Andy Woods is the senior pastor at Sugar Land Baptist Church in Texas. He has a wealth of resources available, including detailed Bible studies and his Pastor’s Point of View podcast, which gives regular prophecy updates.He even did a 74-part series on the rapture!

The Caldwell Commentaries
Katherine Caldwell is a local womens Bible teacher who has been teaching verse-by-verse Bible studies for over 30 years. Her studies on Daniel and Revelation are some of the major inspirations for my own study of eschatology. She has published numerous books which are available on Amazon and Scripture Truth. Audio recordings of decades worth of her lectures are available on podcast through her website..

Origins of COVID

VIral: The Search for the Origins of COVID-19 by Alina Chan and Matt Ridley is an excellent and thorough recounting of the search for the truth about the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is an excellent read and very well documented.